Booksales at your Library
The Friends of the Library fund raise to support the purchase of additional library materials through ongoing booksales and special event booksales in the spring and the fall.
You can find the Friends booksale carts in the lobby of the Lakeport and Redbud branches of the library. Books range in price but are generally $1 for hardback books and $.50 for paperbacks. Purchasing books at a Friends booksale helps the library because all proceeds are given to the library to purchase NEW materials
You can find the Friends booksale carts in the lobby of the Lakeport and Redbud branches of the library. Books range in price but are generally $1 for hardback books and $.50 for paperbacks. Purchasing books at a Friends booksale helps the library because all proceeds are given to the library to purchase NEW materials
Book Donations
The Friends of the Library also accepts book donations to be used at our sales. Books must be in good condition or better to donate, meaning they must have their covers, have no torn or wrinkled pages, and be free of dirt and grime. Please no magazines, encyclopedias, or textbooks. Your book donations are first shown to the library for consideration and if they library can't use them in the collection they will be sold at a booksale.
Please contact your local library branch before bringing books into the library. Thank you!
Please contact your local library branch before bringing books into the library. Thank you!